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IBEAM: Ideal Body, Environment, and Mind

IBEAM Workforce Suicide Prevention Videos

IBEAM Workforce is a video series exploring mental health and suicide in the construction industry and the role we play in combating the crisis.


This document is a guide for management, including but not limited to foremen, job site supervisors, project safety personnel, human resources professionals and others responsible for distributing and or presenting the video series. The series’ intended audience is the entire labor force. Click here for IBEAM Workforce in Spanish.


Each video includes an associated printout with more information. Spanish videos and accompanying PDFs are coming soon!

Video 1: We All Have Mental Health

Video 2: Taking Care: A Look at Mental Wellness

Video 3: Construction: An Industry in Crisis

Video 4: Responding to a Mental Health Crisis

Video 5: Preventing Suicide

Video 5: Preventing Suicide

Learn the basics of preventing suicide and the four steps you can take if someone you care about is having thoughts of suicide.

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